
Minimum Wages in Washington, D.C is All Politics and PR

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The District of Columbia City Council recently passed the Large Retailer Accountability Act that the mayor still needs to sign. As part of the bill, retailers who are part of a larger company with revenue over $1 billion per year and occupy more than 75,000 feet of retail space, would be expected to pay all […]

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Federal Taxes and Horizontal Equity

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Taxes should be fair and horizontal equity defines one principle of tax fairness. It means economic equals should be taxed an equal amount. Horizontal equity applied to taxes on $50,000 of income assures all those who earn $50,000 of income pay the same tax. Taxation that treats equals equally avoids giving preferences to different sources […]

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Review: Nate Silver’s “The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail And Some Don’t”

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Nate Silver gained national attention with a forecasting system he developed in 2003 called PECOTA. He used baseball data to forecast the performance of major league baseball players. It was very successful and the attention he got allowed him the time and money to expand his interests into other areas and write us a thoughtful […]

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Inflation and Wages from 2006 to 2012

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News of college graduates struggling to pay student loans draws attention to wages. College graduates who cannot find jobs using their college degree skills add to the pool of labor looking for already low wage jobs, potentially lowering wages and buying power even more. Wages need to keep up with inflation to assure Americans can […]

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The New Minimum Wage Proposal

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The Obama Administration recently proposed an increase in the minimum wage to $9.00 an hour. The current minimum continues at $7.25 an hour where it has been since July 24th 2009, the date of the last of three planned increases passed by Congress. The proposed increase is a little over 24 percent over the three […]

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Flaws in the American Health Care System

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Recently, the Obama Administration announced the time has arrived to appoint health care experts to an Independent Payment Advisory Board as part of its duties under the Affordable Care Act. The legislation gives the advisory board authority to change Medicare reimbursements for doctors and determine new ways to deliver quality health care. However, the flaws […]

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Does Cutting Unemployment Benefits Increase the Supply of Labor?

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A Washington Post article (“N.C. looks to cut jobless benefits” 2/13/13) describes cuts in unemployment benefits as a drastic proposal from North Carolina lawmakers. Under the new plan, benefits would drop from 26 weeks to 20 and the maximum benefits from $535 a week to $350. The governor believes they have little choice because they have […]

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In Virginia, the Sky is Falling

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In the Chicken Little folk tale, Chicken Little and his friends Henny Penny, Lucky Ducky and Foxey Loxey becomes hysterical when they all agree the sky is falling. In Virginia, delegate Robert G. Marshall believes the Federal Reserve Bank will bring financial hysteria with hyperinflation like Germany after WWI. He wants to protect Virginians by […]

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Taxes, Entitlements and the 47%

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During the Presidential campaign, candidate Mitt Romney had a speech secretly recorded where he told listeners that he could not expect to get votes from the 47 percent of tax payers who do not pay federal income taxes. In the speech, Romney characterized that group of income-tax-free Americans as being “dependent on the government” and […]

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The Fiscal Cliff and Social Security

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Post-election analysis has started to turn to discussion of economic issues put off before the election. Health care expansion will go forward and tax and budget disputes will be settled by default with the fiscal cliff or by compromise in the Congress. A recent article by Robert J. Samuelson [“It’s the Welfare State, Stupid,” Washington […]

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The Follies of Gold

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Many years ago, before banks, gold circulated as a medium of exchange, but it was heavy and inconvenient from the beginning. Enterprising entrepreneurs opened gold depositories where people could store their gold safely. Depositors received a paper certificate as proof of their deposit. If a depositor decided to buy a horse and wagon, he would […]

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The Economics of a City: Detroit

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Detroit is a city of misery and hope. The mayor, former basketball star Dave Bing, wants to turn liabilities into assets with a plan known as the Detroit works project. His city is broke with the loss of the automobile industry and over half its population, but it apparently has nearly 40 square miles of […]

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Why are the Biggest Opponents of Obamacare Uninsured?

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When I see articles about the new health care law, it almost always cites 30 million uninsured Americans, with the intent of the new law to extend affordable care to this group. The millions who have affordable care through their employer receive an immense subsidy. The employer health care subsidy is better than income. If […]

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