
Can Predicting Politics Predict the Stock Market?

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As I mentioned, I’ve been enjoying writing on Quora, especially when it comes to personal finance, investing, and index funds. While I normally don’t weigh in on politics or get too involved in political discussions, a Quora question caught my eye: Will the stock market crash on November 8? Obviously, this question focused on the 2016 […]

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Choosing the Best Retirement Options for Your Job’s 401k

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So you’ve signed up for a 401(k) with your job. You’re getting your employer match. And you’re ready to invest in index funds, because you know that they’re the best option for your long-term savings. You just got the list of mutual funds to invest in from your employer, you’re looking at the best options to invest […]

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The Psychological Trick to Supercharge Your Retirement Savings

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Saving for retirement isn’t always easy. It should be, but there’s so much of life that just gets in the way. Bills pop up. Jobs change. Families start, and families change. Emergencies happen. For many people, life makes it difficult to worry about tomorrow when you’re so focused on today.

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Here’s How Warren Buffett Says You Should Invest

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Warren Buffett is a name that’s mentioned on this blog every once-in–a-while, but not because you should try to match what he does … but because you should listen to what he says. Yes, this is the only legitimate time where it’s appropriate to “do as I say, not as a I do.” We — […]

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Vanguard Encourages Savers to Go on Autopilot

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I love when banks and financial services providers use the automatic savings angle in the marketing. It’s such a powerful tool for savers, and even though it’s obviously in the bank or investment house’s best interest to get money coming in on a regular basis, it’s also in the saver’s interest to regularly contribute to […]

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Can Fidelity Top Vanguard’s Index Fund Dominance?

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We’ve spent plenty of time talking about index funds and why they’re the best investment option for most people, and when paired with dollar cost averaging and automated investing, you’ll be in a great position when you’re ready to retire. The first index fund was created by John Bogle of Vanguard in 1975, and since […]

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Athletes Defrauded in Ponzi Scheme; How Did It Happen?

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Another day, another story about athletes losing their money. It happens all the time, but today, it’s news that NFL quarterback Mark Sanchez (most famous for the butt-fumble) and MLB pitchers Jake Peavy and Roy Oswalt were defrauded out of $30 million by their investment advisor. According to MarketWatch: Ash Narayan, an adviser with the California […]

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John Oliver Takes on Active Management. And it is Glorious.

Please, please watch this now. You will absolutely not regret it. John Oliver is now officially my hero. (Although I would have preferred he talk about dart-throwing monkeys rather than cats.)

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Review: Capital in the Twenty-First Century

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Capital in the Twenty-First Century by French economist Thomas Piketty studies and examines the only controversial question in economics: the distribution of income and wealth. It studies distribution between capital and labor, among wage earners, among capital owners, between countries and over several hundred years. Few authors of economics books more than 500 pages with […]

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Review: “Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt” by Michael Lewis

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Michael Lewis is back with another book on Wall Street just four years after The Big Short, his last book on the abuses of Wall Street. Flash Boys tells the story of new abuses and how and why the old stock market has disappeared. Back in 2002 eighty-five percent of stock trades traded on the […]

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Microloans: What Exactly Are They?

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With the rise in popularity of sites like Kiva, microlending and microloans have become buzzwords in the personal finance, lending and investing industries. But what exactly does it mean to make or accept a microloan? In purely banking terms, a microloan is a loan of up to about $50,000. Usually, the microloan is for a […]

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Should You Pay Debt or Should You Invest?

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This guest post is from Blair Thomas. Finding the right path financially to put yourself on the path out of debt and towards your long-term financial goals can be difficult. When you compare paying off debt against investing towards your future there are attractive merits to both approaches. Being debt free means you no longer […]

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5 Ways to Make Money via the Currency Market

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The foreign exchange market is a very lucrative business. There is a daily turnover close to $4 trillion. That figure is astronomical and there is a large amount of liquidity around meaning it is only a matter of time before you can grab a piece of the pie. However, forex trading is not the only […]

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