A Quick Guide To Paying Off Your Debt

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We all try and live our lives without debt, but unfortunately it’s not something that all of us are quite as successful in avoiding as we might like to be. While payday loan lenders allow for short-term lending in the case of a financial emergency, understanding how best to go about paying off all debts […]

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Don’t Go Into Debt For Credit Card Rewards. Seriously.

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No one gets rich from credit card rewards. We always recommend spending with a debit card (I literally just wrote about this), but I understand the appeal in using a credit card to get rewards … if you pay it off each month. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like most people are. In fact, nearly 40% […]

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Why Do Rich People Use Credit Cards?

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Reasonable people can have a reasonable dialogue about whether or not credit cards have value. We’ve preached that using a debit card is the best way to spend, but fair arguments can be made that if you pay off your balance every month with the right card, you can accrue extra benefits for your normal […]

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How Should I Invest for a Newborn?

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Having a baby is one of the biggest life-changing situations you can experience. It’s no longer just about you — it’s about this new person you’re bringing home from the hospital to be a part of your family. With the additional responsibilities are, of course, additional costs. It’s not cheap to raise children — everything […]

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What Industry is Worth Investing in Over the Next 10 Years?

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Over on Quora, I was asked to respond to a question about investing over the next decade … In the next 10 years, what new industry will be worthy of our investment? It’s a great question, and one that’s not ridiculous to ask. (And trust me, some of the questions on Quora are ridiculous.) But […]

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This is How Bill Gates Views $1 Billion

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One of my favorite videos of all time is the joint interview that Bill Gates and Steve Jobs did together at D5 in 2007. It’s an amazing and inspiring hour of listening to two of the brightest minds of their time discuss the computer revolution, the future, and their growth together. I don’t necessarily watch […]

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You’ve Got Some Money to Save Each Month. Now What?

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There’s almost no better feeling than calculating your savings at the end of the month and seeing that you’ve got a lot to put away. It’s such a positive force and makes you feel even more empowered to save for the future. So when I saw a question on Quora about how to use savings […]

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Why Does Warren Buffett Still Work? Here’s Why

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He’s very-often the richest man in the world (depending on the day of the week). He’s got nothing left to prove. He’s already said he’s giving away almost all of his money. So why does Warren Buffett still work? It’s a great question, and one that I got asked over on Quora … Why are […]

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This Habit is Literally Saving Me Tens of Thousands of Dollars

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There’s a great thread on Quora about decisions and habits that have saved people a large amount of money … What habit/decision has saved you a large/huge amount of money? If you get a chance, read through the answers — there’s a lot of really good stuff there. Given the opportunity, I contributed with a […]

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How to Hedge Against Stock Market Losses with Index Funds

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I was asked on Quora to answer a question about hedging against losses … How can one hedge against a significant loss in Vanguard’s Total Stock market Index Fund? Unfortunately, there wasn’t a ton of information included in the question with specifics on what scenarios the asker was referring to, but I took a leap […]

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Here’s the Worst Time to Invest in an Index Fund

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Over on Quora, I was asked to answer the following question: Is there ever a bad time to invest in an index fund, such as the Vanguard 500? Believe it or not … there is a bad time to invest in index funds. Here’s the truth.

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Pay Your Loans Using These Tips

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If you want to become debt-free, you must work toward clearing your loans. Millions of Americans are living with debt, with a recent study showing that the average household in the nation has credit card balances of over $16,748.  Debt is brought by so many things, including education, unexpected bills, lifestyle costs and home expenses. But […]

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5 Tips For Establishing Healthy Saving Habits

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Your saving habits are going to be with you for your entire life. They’ll determine how comfortably you’re able to live, and can have a heavy hand in the amount of financial stress you’ll be feeling on a daily basis. Building good saving habits is best started when you’re young, but it’s never too late […]

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