
7 Easy Ways to Save $100 or More Today

Saving money isn’t hard. I know, I know — it’s easy to say, but it’s much harder to actually do it. Thankfully, you’re likely spending money on things you don’t need to be, or overpaying for them. You can save a lot of money making a few small changes — today! If you do any […]

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How to Save 70% Off Your Next Car’s MSRP

Automobiles have a unique place in American consumption and personal finance. Nothing else costs so much and depreciates so fast and we continue to buy them. As everyone knows, cars are more than transportation. For businesspeople, it is often important to have a newer car to project an image of prestige and prosperity. Others are […]

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How to Save Money Using Twitter

Twitter seems to be getting all the attention these days, from its use in organizing and spreading information about the recent election in Iran to its role in crashing sites after the death of Michael Jackson. While many people first think the service is nothing but a way to broadcast what you’re having for breakfast, […]

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Sometimes, It Pays to Complain

When we moved into our new house, we did all of the normal updates: forward mail with the post office, update our driver’s licenses, bank accounts, etc. And, of course, transfer our Comcast service. At least we thought so. Remember that great deal we got on our Internet and cable TV bundle? Comcast, in their […]

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Can Productivity Save Your Job?

America’s annual gain in productivity in many sectors of the economy is often overlooked as a source of saving. Productivity is measured by output per work hour. The gain in productivity is measured by the percentage increase in output per work hour. If productivity in appliance manufacturing goes up 3 percent, then a 3 percent […]

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The Best News Coming Out of the Recession

In October of 2006, I wrote a simple post at the Online Savings Blog called “Rule #2: Spend Less Than You Earn“. Now, this is one of the most fundamental basics of personal finance: don’t spend it if you don’t have it. In that post, I linked to a chart of the Bureau of Economic […]

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Ask the Readers: What are You Saving For?

Now that we’ve purchased our house, we’re done saving for one of our biggest goals ever. But the short-term saving isn’t over — not by a long-shot. Since we have an emergency fund in place, our next big goal is to pay off all of my student loan debt. (You can tell I’ve been listening […]

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3 Tips for Easy Short-term Savings

When you’re saving for short-term goals, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with putting money aside. But it doesn’t have to be. Here are 3 tips for saving for short-term goals: Save for One Goal at a Time – It’s much easier to attack one goal with as much force as possible then to spread yourself […]

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The Balanced Budget: Every Penny Has a Purpose

When I first started tracking our spending, it was mostly to determine where our money was going. Although we had spending targets set for each category, we weren’t really sticking to the numbers — just aiming to be around them. While that system works for us, you may need something like the envelope system to […]

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The Once-in-a-While Fund: How it Works

If you’re like me, you’re always surprised at how expensive that car insurance bill is or how much you really owe in taxes. The expenses that you don’t pay on a monthly basis can often sneak up on you before you have the money to pay them. These bills could include: Insurance (auto, homeowner’s, renter’s) […]

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How I Saved $936 in Less Than 30 Minutes Online

Today’s post is from Debbie, my wife and — as you’ll soon see — a dealmaker. When our baby was born in February, I knew that our income would be slowing down and our expenses would be going up. Since I was on maternity leave from my job in a preschool, I wasn’t getting paid […]

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Are Your Emotions Ruining Your Money?

People are funny about money. For a number of reasons, we tend to: be protective of how much money we make think we can spend more than we have view having money as the biggest goal in life But in reality, keeping your salary a secret has downsides. Debt is never a good idea. And […]

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